16.5 Acres In Dayton Tennessee

We Have {the Start of} A Roof!

OoOoOoOo!!! The roof beams are in and we are in LOVE! The space is really taking shape and we are getting closer to seeing what the final roof line will look like (instead of imagining an endless amount of options). 

From the second floor the view is just stunning. It is probably another 12 feet or so to those crossbeams. That will be a flat section on the ceiling of the great room that we expected. It just all feels so spacious.

I am just itching to see how this wall comes together. We are hoping for 3 more windows above the fireplace area below. Just a matter of if they fit nicely before the slope.

This is the view from the back bedroom. Probably the only room in the house that will have a flat 8 foot ceiling. 

In the upstairs bath, we are also going to get a cathedral feel! Woot!

They started on the decking of the roof (a technical term we just learned) and once that is complete, we just need shingles and windows/doors to complete the dry-in. We are getting there!

As more and more wood is added, photos can get pretty confusing-looking so we have a special treat! I followed Mike around the whole house with my phone, and we did a video walk-through for you! I'll post those videos later today in their own post. Or, checkout my YouTube channel here if you can't wait.

And a few more photos from the outside checking out our roof lines. Pretty freakin sweet!!


~Liz and Mike

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