The footer trenches got filled with footer stuff, aka concrete, on Friday Jan 26th in the morning. By the time we both got off of work, we had to go check it out! The first couple of photos were Friday night when the concrete was still a bit soft and you couldn't walk on it yet. But every step of the way is progress closer and closer so we get excited for everything.
The block for our foundation was also delivered this day.
We found out the masonry cement gets mixed with sand so there were several largest-bag-of-sand-ive-ever-seen bags also delivered.
And Mike turns into a 5 year old who loves trucks every time there is a new piece of equipment at the house.
Electric, gas, and water are all connected at the road.
We were out of town Saturday (hunting for flooring which we will share soon), so on Sunday we went back to check out how everything cured. It passes the Liz test.
The guy who came to set our stakes, using GPS coordinates, comes back out to mark the corners on the poured footers now. This will come to be important in the next step!
They have placed all the block around the foundation ready to start building it the following day.
This was just 6 days ago, from when I am writing now and already so much more has happened! We will share some more updates tomorrow morning.
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