16.5 Acres In Dayton Tennessee

We Have a Driveway!

So... big confidence boost from our builder within the last couple days. We are at least 3 weeks away from closing on our construction loan and he has already begun breaking ground on this project (without payment). That gives me a warm-and-fuzzy! We discussed last week with our builder where we'd like the driveway to go to leave as much open area as possible, tracing the tree line to the north of the 5 acre property shown on the survey map. Last weekend he had the top few inches of soil skimmed off and Monday he laid the base rock for the driveway. It's looking pretty. Every day we will get to drive by the pretty tree line to the north and pass right by the pond. We'd really like to lay a series of evergreens along the driveway path with those solar lights in between each. First three pictures are facing the path toward the main road.  The last one is from the main road up to the house. The stones are quite large - About 2-4 inches which is typical for a gravel base but uncomfortable to drive out. After a few weeks of heavy equipment smashing the rocks into the earth, they will top the stones with a smaller 1/2" to 1" sized gravel.

And guess what? Our builder says we will get to choose our own address! Fancy! I'm thinking "Longest Lane" sounds about right. It is about a 1/4 mile driveway after all!


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